Singing is Praying 2x VID 11

Have you heard that singers have stronger immune systems?  Consider caroling through January.  Similar to incense and bell ringing, this is all healthy.

This time we’re trying to create strong, healing memories.  Song, as well as playing music, creates what may be the best, vivid human memory connections.  Singing and music have turned disabilities and near-death situations around; brought stroke victims back from the point of no return; used in treatment of chronic diseases (see music therapy:; used to treat anxiety, stress, acute pain, or traumatic experiences; and is known to “wake up” serious alzheimer patients (

Don’t skimp on this enduring and healing quality of the domestic church, despite the fact that your worship singing experience may be mediocre.  Other than worshiping Immigrants and Afro-Americans, many congregations prefer the entertainment over the audience participation mode.  I believe that’s why Internet music is extremely popular with youth.

Remember, your kids will recognize songs which were repeated a special times and regularly long after you’re gone.  Start them when they’re toddlers, just like with, “Happy Birthday”.  Let singing or even listening to a music clip, be the way your family celebrates; similar to singing, “Happy Birthdays” with a cake is the way most celebrate an annual anniversary of birth.

I believe this is the best, most resilient thing that you can leave your children: memories of faith songs. Think of what you, or even your children, will sing if they get dementia or alzheimer’s and sing with them now, live or into your Iphone. 

Here’s a suggested basic, domestic repertory of seasonal Catholic songs:

ADVENT – Four Weeks in December: Choose to sing the first five words of the song

           “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” Repeat together:

or the refrain

           Rejoice, rejoice Emmanuel, Shall come to thee of Israel.”  Repeat together.                        

You may choose to sing one of the above while lighting December night’s Advent candle on a wreath, or a single taper on to which you tied a blue ribbon.  This is called a Mary Candle.

CHRISTMAS SEASON: Try ringing bells too.

Sing the refrain or the entire carol: “Angels We Have Heard on High”

Gloria! Gloria! Gloria in excelsis Deo!   Repeat together.

or from “We Three Kings”…

O…., Star of wonder, star of night, star with royal beauty bright.
(Westward leading, still proceeding, guide us to
 thy perfect light).

Great for New Year home dedication/blessing and during Epiphany Season: January 6 – February 2.

LENT:   This is the refrain from an Afro-American spiritual: “Were You There When They 

Crucified my Lord?” First, let all present STOP; then, take three, slow, silent breaths:

O…o…oh, oh, sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble.  Repeat together:   

EASTER: Alleluia acclamation from the Gospel procession or refrain from a favorite Easter hymn. Bonding with ancient Catholic congregational heritage):
           Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia   Repeat together:  Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

MAY & OCTOBER: While placing flowers at Mama Mary’s feet or weaving a decade of Rosary prayer. From the Fatima melody, “Immaculate Mary.”

           Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Repeat together:  Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! 

NOVEMBER MEMORIAL: While the English version of this selection has no accompanying melody, chanted at every Mass of the deceased, this prayer goes back a thousand plus years. As such it is the most significant personal and public remembrance prayer, prayed at someone’s death, a funeral, on the anniversary of a death, or during annual Day of the Dead/All Souls’ Day celebrations (Nov 2).  The Perpetual Light Prayer for deceased loved ones:

Eternal rest grant unto (him/her), O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

THANKSGIVING: The famous Ol’ 100th Psalm hymn or Doxology:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise God all you heavenly hosts,
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Here is an excellent opportunity for parents to teach about the old word for Holy Spirit, calm their fears about scarry ghosts, and share an all-time Reformed Tradition (Protestant) favorite.
Links are provided for families who are more Internet savvy.  You are encouraged to hum or sing the refrain along with the video.

Singing is fun “therapy’ making a family both healthier and holier.  Don’t worry if you lack operatic voices. Remember what St John Paul used to say: “You don’t need a voice to sing. You need to sing to have a voice.”

Next Saturday: Heaven Door Review: Tool Box Inspection

All video content of St Casimir’s Series on the Domestic Church and Tandem Blog Articles © CzMKrysa, Buffalo, NY April-July? 2020.
