Domestic Church Intro: Restoring Relationships VID 1

This video series on the Domestic Church presents the Heaven Door as central to living and celebrating God at home in the family. Both Sacred Image and Sacred Scripture are key to this celestial door spirituality.  The need for a family Bible itself does not need to be explained, though perhaps its use could be rekindled and rediscovered.

Since the early centuries of Christianity, the use of Sacred Images in prayer has been questioned, even condemned. The iconoclasts of the 800s first sought to eliminate images from worship, then certain groups during the Reformation (1500s) actually destroying them. In our own time, modern elitist Catholics suggested that believers have evolved to a higher, non-material, more spiritual level of faith and no longer needed statues or paintings.

At the same time the profusion of marketing images, team accessories for players and fans alike, the fashion industry, Internet selfies, video games, and images capture and even overwhelm the human imagination, even lassoing people into addictive behaviors.  We are a culture of collectible images. Knick-knack angels appear in legion in boutiques for adults.  There are also beanie babies, apps, and action hero figures which form the competitive desires of teens and toddlers. Commercials present powerful illusions (and images) stealing desires and deleting wallets and accounts.

What happened to the Sacred Image? Catholics root our beliefs in the fact that God chose, actually He had to take on, a human body to interact with and be understood by us.  Jesus becoming flesh means that God interacts with us in ways we do with each other. People in love dress up, exchange flowers, wear cologne, hug, share drinks and meals.  Dressed in our human body, the Lord encounters us much in the same way now. The same is also true of saints, fellow disciples of His Gospel: Mama Mary and our personal parish and family patrons.

Extreme information overkill, focus on rational thoughts, concepts, ideas, and principles have gradually transformed faith into a collection of personal opinions on issues.  Faith, however, begins with another person, and is formed by interacting with people. Faith is not an opinion, it actually transcends opinion.  You may be sure that one thing God will never ask you on the last day is your opinion on anything.  He may ask you how you love both neighbor and enemy.

Perhaps, this is why St John Paul had to unearth an ancient and once beloved way to express spiritual connection. He reminded the family that it is a living dwelling place for God, a micro church. Heaven Door spirituality, as central and formative of family spiritual relationships, begins with the household relating to another person, represented by a Sacred Image. The Holy Icon fundamentally distinguishes itself from a wall hanging, still-life watercolor, favorite landscape shot, or seasonal accessory. It is more like a family heirloom studio photo which elicits cherished memories, emotions, continuity and bonding. 

This relatively new domestic faith experience, a popular topic surfacing in the wake of the current pandemic, brings the upcoming sequence of video clips together. The conversation also asserts the close and essential relationship between the Heaven Door and family table —an extension of the Lord’s Table at the Lord’s Supper on the Lord’s Day.

Sacred Scriptures testify to Jesus’ will to transform, save, and restore the world at a Meal. From the Catholic perspective, since Nazareth and Bethlehem, God’s Word continually pines, desires, and yearns to become flesh.  A Sacred Image reminds believers of this divine tendency through the life, example, martyrdom and frequent miracles God works through those He loves. This series also witnesses to the powerful Gospel encounter, the human and supernatural efficacy of shared table fellowship.

Rediscover the basic way God, the Blessed Trinity, Mama Mary or any disciple seated at the table of the Kingdom continue to restore, renew, lift-up, guide and inspire authentic, challenging, mutual human relationships. The Domestic Church is the place for these encounters. Just open a new door and kindly be seated.

Next Week “Installing the Family Heaven Door

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