Christmas Therapy: a note from my uncle

Fr Czesław

In case y-all are worried, I’m ok. I was at the wellness center at the Corry base [Pensacola, FL] when there was a lockdown. We couldn’t leave for about an hour. The reason was a shooter at Naval Air Station. When we got the news, it turned out the active shooter was a Saudi student, maybe officer. He killed 3 students and injured 7 who are in Baptist Hospital. Two of the injured are sheriff deputies who finally killed the foreign national.  The news has gone nationwide.

Uncle Staś

My response to my Uncle and Godfather in Florida:

Uncle Stan,


Sorry to hear about the Navy Base shooting you witnessed in Pensacola. 3 dead, 7 wounded.

For the past 5 months, personally, professionally, and socially I have been immersed in BAD news. However, I know it stems from acknowledging that there is no one greater than me, myself and I. These last five months, I have cried more than ever, before my scarred Black Madonna, still believing there is someone greater than all of us put together.

Therefore, I feel like John the Baptist in today's Gospel: "A voice crying in the desert."  Unfortunately, the more vocal shout-out “Silent Night” yelling, "get rid of the…". Buffalo has a "new" temp administrator.

Changing the subject.

I needed last week’s celebration of St Nicholas, especially at Fourteen Holy Helpers in West Seneca, NY. That’s why he, not the patron of malls and marketing, alias capitalist elf, is coming to St Casimir’s Food Pantry Monday, Dec 16.  We need HOLYdays and saints to heal bad days. A shopping-rush for presents never matches up.

I need this year’s Christmas Eve Supper (Wigilia), the first star of Christmas Eve, the broken opłatek wafer, the empty place setting (this year for Tim, Joshua, and the other victims), hay under white cloth, and carols (kolędy), more than dumplings (pierogi) and honey liquor (krupnik).  Everyone is talking sausage  (kiełbasa) and “doing gifts”, etc. They have almost completely lost it, just like the Church. My suspicion addicted, anti-establishment generation is the real culprit, not any president or bishop.

Our "Buffalo Neighbors Exhibit" is attracting more interest while causing some to polarize into envy. Even WNY Polish Americans are tainted by this expanding malaise.

This is why I ask you, Uncle Stan (Wujku), consider an antidote. a small Kaisertown, NY initiative to spread good news, the way we were taught, that is, through celebrating ancient tradition. We just  received (available Sunday) copies of a 2020 Heirloom Calendar picturing St Casimir's year-long, good news, family spirituality and celebrations. Some find problem even with this (!)

Perhaps the cousins, your and Joziu's grand/kids, even Ela's parents could draw some comfort and joy each month. Four photographers contributed their efforts both good and better.

I live for the days captured on this heirloom pictorial calendar —they're so close to our soul. They are a year-long series of treatments for inter-personal/national violence. They inspire me more than a fb news feed, any media clips gif, tweets, team victories, movie or rock stars, be they professional, family, acquaintances, executives, administrators, church or political.

Let me know if you are interested in helping spread good news to our family. Perhaps they will crack a Darwinian chuckle at us country bumpkins in Buffalo. Uncle Stan, I know you understand (Wujek rozumie o co chodzi).

St Casimir’s repaired bells just chimed a centuries-old Advent hymn from the church tower. You know bells produce healthy spaces? Their harmonious tones kill harmful bacteria. That’s why, in the 1200s, invading Tatars destroyed all Poland’s bells.

This age-old Rorate melody of Advent chant has a similar healing effect. It’s all happening here on Cable St. Singing stimulates the immune system. No wonder we’re an easy catch for bugs.  

While consecrating the host at today’s Mass this came to me. Throughout the Bible, God uses bread-sharing to heal us. Inspired by this healthy, heavenly, holy food, our ancestors gave us the Christmas wafer, oplatek. When we’re concerned about low carbs, fat-free, vegan, organic, Polish Christmas wafers are just that, plus forgiveness, comforting bonds, hugs-and-kisses, angel-bread, and Bethlehem’s eternal destiny.

Z Panem Bogiem, Twój Chrześniak, ks Czesław

Above vintage 1800s Lithograph: "Spirits of the Deceased and Ancestors at the Christmas Eve Table."  This year, traditional Polish families remember Tim and Joshua, and all victims of violence and abuse at the Christmas Eve Table.

PS:  “The Table gives Meaning to Food” homilies 10am at 160 CAble St Buffalo 14206:

3rd Sunday Dec 15: Reserved: social justice seat
4th Sunday Dec 22: Veiled hay: meaning, blessing & distribution
