Knightly Men and Our Lady: God's Mom

For centuries, devotion to the Blessed Mother was characterized by mutually enriching feminine and masculine dimensions: care-filled motherhood and knight’s service. In most of Europe, knighthood experienced numerical and moral decline. Marian piety became more one-sided. For centuries, however, Poland’s sons following their fathers, dedicated their service, the national defense and the protection of their homes to the Bright Mountain Queen.

Poland’s first national anthem (998) proclaimed “Mother of God, Hear us Our Mother.” In this same spirit, of Revolutionary War fame, the armored breastplates of General Casimir Pulaski’s soldiers were marked with the crowned Black Madonna (pic above). The 1771 defense song of  Częstochowa resounded, “We are Servants of Lady Mary!” Moreover, King John Sobieski, who at Vienna held back the last Moslem military attack on Europe, ordered Maria to be written on every defending legion’s flag (1683). 

Buffalo’s oldest, active military banner, one of St Casimir’s most prized possessions, on one side features the Lady of Częstochowa with the words “Polish Lancers Regiment 1887” (above pic) and on the opposite, an armored St Casimir on horseback with the prayer, “St Casimir Protect and Intercede for us.” Generations of Poland’s soldiers, turned to the Queen of heaven and earth, seeking protection from neighboring aggressors, (Below: Gen Casimir Pulaski defends Częstochowa Shrine against the Russians 1771)

It is no surprise that one of the first cities Hitler’s Luftwaffe bombers hit 80 years-ago, September 1, 1939, was Lady Mary’s capital.  He immediately expelled all Polish nationals and populated  Częstochowa solely with Germans.  Knowing Our Lady’s power so well, he paid a secret, nocturnal visit to the sacred Shrine. While signing his name in the guest book, he surprisingly cut the visit short. Out of concern that the Nazis might steal the ancient icon, it was concealed under the heavy wooden top of that very desk (!) Some eyewitness monks testify, as he took that seat, Hitler became very shaky. Nervously spilling some ink, he quickly exited.

Other monks tell of how throughout the war, German officers would pay a visit to the royal Shrine of their anexed German town (above photo). In full colors and shiny boots, they saluted the Queen. They, too, knew the power of a soldier’s relationship with his royal lady. 

Just prior to WWII, in the same devoted spirit, St Maximillian Kolbe founds the Knighthood of the Immaculata, publishing a world-wide magazine with just under one million subscribers. In these years, 1935-1938, he also opened a very popular radio station with a similar mission. Because of his influence on youth and the entire country, Nazis imprisoned him in Auschwitz. Kolbe volunteered his life in exchange for a man with a wife and children. Maxililian was sent to the starvation bunker. This punishment proved ineffective. The guards finally killed him with a shot of phenobarbital, He died on the eve of his Lady's Assumption, Aug 14, 1941. 

The pope who belonged totally to his Lady Maria, Totus Tuus being his motto, sent her and her Son a pair of crowns (above photo). They arrived at the Bright Mountain Shrine, a day before St John Paul's death, April 2, 2005. 

This spiritual chivalry also stands behind the recent, Aug 25, 2019, crowning of a copy of the Black Madonna icon, at Doylestown, PA (see above photo of crowns).  The highest ranking PolAm hierarch, archbishop of Miami, FL, in the presence of the local archbishop of Philadelphia, honored this image with crowns blessed by Pope Francis -- yet another expression of spiritual knighthood. This Pennsylvania event may be the first papal coronation of a US Madonna.

The above may shed some light on The Crowns of Resilient Hope Seminar, Saturday, Oct 5, 2019 from 9:30am-2pmFr Krysa will address the question: Why crown images of Mary? And how this unique honor relates to Jesus, King of the Universe, and our own families. 

Make this ancient practice of spirit-filled chivalry your own, by selecting votive offerings and receiving a Corona/Crown Kit. (Note the Częstochowa breastplate above, a popular devotional in the Polish home.  On it are written the words of the ancient, post-apostolic prayer, "Under Your Protection We Flee, O Mother of God.") 

With yet another beaded crown, Dr Eileen Lyon, of the State University of New York at Fredonia, will unfold the emotionally penetrating story of survival through trauma and death: the Concentration-camp Living Corona Rosary of Gusen, Austria. This Rosary expressed how condemned prisoners regularly consecrated their lives to Poland's Queen. 

During times where Church leadership challenges our faith, draw some direction from once traumatized believers. Their example may balance your steps and brighten path. (Royal portrait of King John Sobieski wearing the breastplate of his Queen and Lady Mary.)

Register by sending $15 per person, $18 for adult plus teen, to Resilient Crowns, St Casimir Church, 160 Cable St, Buffalo, NY 14206. Lite lunch and Corona Kit included.  Inquiries 716-824-9589.

King John Casimir consecrates his entire country to Our Lady, officially crowing her Queen of Poland (1659).

St Casimir's Crowns of Resilient Hope Seminar 
Commemorating the 80th Anniversary of WWII
Rev Dr Czeslaw M Krysa, Rector
Church of St Casimir, Buffalo, NY
