Blessing of Herbs: The First Lady of Heaven: Aug 15

Our Lady of Herbs and Harvest
August 15 ─ The Assumption


ur Lady is one of the first fruits of God’s new creation.  During August, both the Church of the East and the West celebrate the first or summer harvest.   Eastern Christians, like the Greek Orthodox (Feast of the Transfiguration above), bless grapes. Western Catholics bless herbs, flowers, and grain, even apples, or whatever is in season. Mexican tradition blesses pomegranates. These bountiful bless God for the fruit of Mama Mary’s womb: her Son Jesus.

Celebrate the joy of Jesus’ Mother. Her “yes” to God, which welcomed the seed of the eternal Word. Through the power of the Holy Spirit she gave birth to Jesus, who in turn from the tree of the Cross gave her back to us as our Mother (Jn 19:27).

Our Lady, Assumed body and soul into heaven is the “first fruit of our redemption”, the first fruit of the Gospel, and glorious flower of faith.  She is celebrated as the Queen of all creation, and the one who forges our way to heaven.  That is why the blessing of the fruit of the earth, the first fruits of our summer harvest, honors her as well.  The Mother of God, Mary, in turn presents our offerings, those blessed by the priest, to heaven’s harvest master, God the Father, Creator of all, as our prayer of thanksgiving. 

Do we not pray at Mass, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord!” With these earthly gifts of beauty and food, our good works, sacrifices, and hopes, also rise to heaven. May the Lord continue to bless creation, "fruit of the earth and work of human hands."

ed from the 4th century:

All the first-fruits pressed from grapes, grain, wine, oil, and the the threshing floor, the oxen, and sheep, present to the priests (Num18) that your storage houses and barns and the fruit of your fields may be blessed, so you, your cattle and sheep fortified with and increase. One tenth of your yield give to the orphan, and to the widow, and to the poor, and to the stranger.
