A Healing Conversation with the Black Madonna

Healed by her Scars

If you’ve even been hurt, been ill, hospitalized, buried a loved one, sat by someone who was seriously ill or dying, undergone hurt in a relationship, you have a reason to attend 

Table Talk with Mama.

Table Talk with Mama Mary is a healing retreat. Annually from Aug 18-23 at The Church of St Casimir, Buffalo, NY, 160 Cable St, Buffalo 14206, daily at 7pm, except for Sundays at 10am. Participants converse with the Black Madonna about restoring lives and the lives of loved ones. This year we especially pray for healing within the Buffalo Diocese victims of abuse, those who abused others, and those who abuse power. Ancients turned to her, during very trying times. 

I, Fr Krysa, personally, many times, have felt, Mama Mary’s healing embrace in distress and gratitude for her comfort. Unlike any other sacred icon, Her face is scarred five times, like the nail and spear wounds of her divine Son.  Has not the vulnerable in the world Church been scarred by the abuse of people and power? Ancestors have taught us to turn to the wounded, Black Madonna of Częstochowa.

Mary’s wounds, vividly demonstrate how she identifies with all her sons and daughters experiencing mental or physical abuse, painful lies, ravenous gossip, trauma, un-rightful  judgment, bitter tragedy, society’s indifference and inhuman manipulation, illness and death. Prayerfully applying her wounds, and especially those of her Son, Jesus, to our woundedness, we are comforted. As affirmed by Isaiah the prophet, “By his wounds we are healed.” (Is 53:5).

Moreso, during the conversation we pray the personal intentions submitted to her by those participating in these nine days of Table Talk. Many prayers have been answered. To personal prayers, this yeat we will also add prayers for the cessation of polarization of relationships, hatred, violence and shootings as a way to deal with people we disagree with. To all this we add the oldest, most ancient post-Biblical prayer to the Mother of God, the "Under Your Protection" or "Sub Tuum Praesidium" prayer. These, other Scriptural, and personal prayers join our needs and selves into two-thousand years of the Church which is constantly in need of reform, in need of her guidance, protection, and prayer in the Holy Spirit,a s in the nine days of apostolic prayer with her before the Descant of the Heavenly Comforter and Strengthener at Pentecost.

The Black Madonna's scars open up a fountain of light and grace.  They actually inspire gratitude.  Since 2015, these intimate encounters have inspired families to welcome her into their home, if you live alone or with young children, teens, or the sick.  She is a great comfort in trying times, difficult challenges, and lonely moments. Pope St John XXIII requested that an icon of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa be brought to him as he laid on his death bed.  See, you don’t have to be Polish to appreciate spiritual beauty and a loving relationship with the Bright Mountain Lady?

Nine prayerful conversations focus on the mystical symbolism of the original miraculous icon of the Black Madonna:

1st Day: Verdant overshadowing of the Holy Spirit — how our Confirmation strengthens us today.

2nd Day: Mystical eyes see how God loves us & the world

3rd Day: Lips speaking Good News — a healing of all hurts caused by abuse of the mouth.

4th Day: Spiritual Sign language —how much Mama Mary and Jesus speak quietly with their hands.

5th Day: Dark skin —like grain roasted in the sun, or black as the rich soil.

6th Day: Violent Scars —the only image of Mama scarred by human hatred. Jesus’ wounds and Her scars heal the sick sin of mental & physical abuse.

7th Day: Clothed in heaven and earth: the image joins our destiny with our daily cares.

8th Day: Golden lilies: Smell  the pure beauty and spiritual perfume of coming closer to God.

9th Day: Star Light, Star Bright crown leading us through dark nights.

Do all your family members, younger and adult children honor her image in their homes? Do they have an ongoing relationship with Jesus, through his loving Mother? This year bring someone with you, perhaps a friend of r family member experiencing personal anxiety, difficult in a relationship, or an illness. Pray with them at Mama’s Table.
