Milestones of a 90 Year Old Landmark

St Casimir,  Buffalo,  NY  Milestones

1926 ― Some 30 years after founding of the parish, Fr Anthony Majewski, Pastor, accepts the 3rd and final set of architectural plans for the present church, from hands and soul of the creative genius of a Buffalo architect Chester Oakley.

May 2, 1927―Laying of the Cornerstone. His assistant, PolAm architect Joseph Fronczak oversaw terracotta ornamentation.

May 5, 1929 ― Dedication of the 1st Byzantine-inspired RC Church in US by Bishop William Turner. St Casimir’s 3rd & final church was nationally hailed as a unique architectural wonder.

1929 ― Fr Majewski imports the 1st Black Madonna icon from an eight-day blessing Vigil at Poland’s Częstochowa Shrine.

1949 ― Master artist Marian Rzeźnik completes the artistic wonder of the Coronation Apse above the sanctuary. He studied under Genepro Raggi at OL of Victory Basilica, Lackawanna fame. Prior to this Rzeźnik also executed other projects at this Kaisertown church including the Evangelists and angels.

1975 ― Msgr Peter Adamski, patriarch of  Buffalo’s Polonia, dedicates the restored shrine to OL of Częstochowa Shrine in the south bell tower. Its altar honored the original 1920s, authentic copy imported from Poland’s Bright Mountain Shrine. Now lost.

Aug 14-16, 1976 ― Thanks to the PolAm John Cardinal Król, Karol Cardinal Wojtyła, archbishop of Kraków, led 21 bishops out of Communist occupied Poland to Philadelphia’s bicentennial Eucharistic Congress. The delegation visited US & Canadian Polonia centers. The later St John Paul presided over 2 Solemn Masses at St Casimir’s and resided in the rectory. In gratitude he sent the people of St Casimir’s an authentic oil painting of the crowned Black Madonna, still honored in the south bell tower shrine.

1977 ― St Casimir’s Church is designated as a Buffalo City Landmark.

1980s ―  Msgr Ed Kaźmierczak leads pilgrimages to Poland (Kraków & Częstochowa) and Rome meeting Pope John Paul II.

           ― Appreciation of liturgical and classical music motivated Msgr Kaźmierczak to host many choral concerts. Among them were Buff State’s Chamber Singers, Ars Nova String Orchestra, the Buffalo Philharmonic, the Czarnik Quartet, and Chopin Singing Society.

1984 ― This Kaisertown church celebrated numerous devotions and liturgies recognizing the virtues and life of St Casimir, Prince of the poor, on the 500th anniversary of his untimely death. An entire year of events culminated at Mass by Bishop Edward Head in Houghton Park.

Feb 25-29, 1990 ―During the church’s centennial year a Triduum of prayer to St Casimir as well as Days of Eucharistic Adoration were held.

1990s ― Under Msgr Matt Kopacz & the 3rd generation of Świątek Studios, original decorative , survival. vines ornamentation from the 4th century Hagia Sophia in Istanbul placed over transept arcades & rectangular columns were introduced by local artist Russ Vacanti into the sanctuary.


  1. What an artistic and spiritual wonder! All the best to the shepherd and the people!

  2. Wonderful to read the entire history. To be able to kneel and pray in the same church as did St. John Paul is both humbling and amazing. Sto Lat. I pray I can be there for the 100th.


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