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Jesus' Garden Tomb: the unique Polish Easter

How can God allow Tragic Events? Polish Spirituality, Death and a Garden Tomb  I of 4 Rev Dr Czesław M Krysa, Senior Parochial Vicar Church of St Casimir, Buffalo, NY One Holy Saturday morning in the 1970s a small girl ran happily excited through parked cars crossing Weiss St.  She was instantly killed by an oncoming car.  How could God allow such an innocent death?  Why does cancer kill a 35year old dad with three children?  Or an overdosed teen? What kind of God could ever send an earthquake to destroy an entire eldercare facility?  How did God allow Germans to steal babies from mothers in Auschwitz and finish them both off; or execute my own uncle Marian with a lethal injection? Florida news reported a hurricane disaster showing a woman standing at her apartment door (the only thing left after the storm).  She pointed to a blessed palm cross thumb-tacked to the door asking, “How can I believe in a God who let this happen?” Tragic loss of loved ones may raise the question, “Why did G

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